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all my musings

From Boys to Men: Elevate Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence in Children
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it is becoming increasingly important to cultivate self-esteem and emotional intelligence...
sonshines airplanes
Jul 23, 20236 min read

Raising Resilient Explorers: 16 Tips to Nurture and Guide Your 8-Year-Old Son
Parenting an 8-year-old boy can be a rewarding yet complex journey. At this age, they will experience a range of physical and emotional...
sonshines airplanes
Jul 23, 20237 min read

The day I quit my corporate job.
10 May 2019. The day I handed in my resignation letter. As I type the letter on my MacBook Pro, I could hear my father telling me at the...
sonshines airplanes
Jun 7, 20191 min read

The Unfiltered Reality: What It's Really Like Being a Mom
Growing up, I didn't have a good parental role model. I acknowledge that my parents did their best to provide for me. However, I wasn't...
sonshines airplanes
Nov 15, 20163 min read

Coping with change
This is a topic that not many people talk about. In fact, I don’t think anyone ever warm me that my relationship with my husband will...
sonshines airplanes
Jun 8, 20152 min read
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About motherhood
Time flies! Another 18 days before my maternity leave ends and off I go back to the corporate world. The past two months have been a...
sonshines airplanes
Apr 2, 20152 min read

Shattering the Myths of Motherhood: It's About So Much More Than Breastfeeding
Before the birth of little Han, I always wanted a natural birth so that my breast milk would come right after delivery to feed him. In...
sonshines airplanes
Feb 25, 20152 min read

The arrival of baby Han
It’s been almost a month since little Han’s arrival. And the past 1 month has been a crazy roller coaster ride for me emotionally. The...
sonshines airplanes
Feb 22, 20154 min read

2 more days to go
Or not?! According to calculation, my little man is due to arrive on 23rd Jan. But as of last Sunday’s visit to the hospital, my cervix...
sonshines airplanes
Jan 21, 20151 min read
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33 weeks pregnancy update
33 weeks pregnant Another 7 weeks to go before Jorgito’s arrival and boy are we excited! We have got almost all the baby stuff ready,...
sonshines airplanes
Dec 7, 20142 min read

Letter to my little Han
Hello my dear son, I am your mother. And you are in my belly for 29 weeks now. You are 1.2 kg now and you are growing at a normal and...
sonshines airplanes
Nov 3, 20142 min read
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Hey ma, thanks for being my ma
my ma in her 20s While everyone is flooding the twitter timeline with Mother’s Day shoutouts to their mom (do their mom even read...
sonshines airplanes
May 14, 20122 min read
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